Three little Monkeys

Three little Monkeys

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

NO LADY, He doesn't need a nap

So, this morning I made a Facebook Status Update. It went a little like this....Just saw everyone staring at a mom with 4 kids in walmart. Three were holding on to the basket nice and quite while the 9 month old baby was screaming his head off. Note to others: don't look at her like she shouldn't be there. It may have been her only opportunity for the day. Just sayin.... Well... It must have been a quick glimpse of my near future.. Very near future... Just sayin....

I decided for dinner we would have Turkey Burgers. Of course I didn't have any of the ingredients. I load the kids up in the car, tightness in the chest, beads of sweat already forming across my forehead and deep breaths counting to 10 before we even arrive. Preston, for some reason, HATES going into ANY store. It doesn't matter if it is Toys R Us! If it requires sitting in a basket or walking or anything that doesn't include sucking on his paci while I am holding him... he isn't having it. I used to try to calm him down and pacify him by taking 20 mins to do a 5 min quick run in run out shopping trip. I would stop and find a cute something or another and make animal noises at him to calm him down. Or pull off to the side and pick him up and say, "what's wrong baby???" Well, those days are far gone. I love him, but for goodness sakes.... I AM TRYING TO FEED YOU CHILD!

So, my story was this.... We walk in and I try and put him in one of the Carts made for kids and adults. I actually would love to ride in one. I started laughing because it says for up to 200lbs. I visualized Chad pushing me around the grocery store for the heck of it... but back to reality. Preston immediately starts SCREAMING his head off. Throwing his paci, kicking his legs screaming NO MOMMY! So, I put him down and demand him to walk . Sydney and Cole are sitting so nice in the seat and trying to coax him into sitting with them. At this point I was so hungry from trying to eat healthy all day and was ready to get the heck up out of the place. He is screaming and crying and screaming and grabbing my leg. I am walking practically ignoring this 2 year old leach hanging from my leg. Finally I pick him up and sit him in the cart. As he fights me, I strap him in. I am sure I said something to him that would get social services called on me, but none the less, he sat there crying as loud as he could. I made  the belt tight and went on my merry way. I had a list to accomplish and sorry folks, I wasn't coming back when he calmed down...

As we are pushing down aisle, I had dirty looks from many people. I overheard one lady say, "she needs to pay him some attention." I thought to myself, if you have such a strong opinion, why don't you come over here and entertain him while I shop???? I didn't think so, so mind your biz wax. We get to the juice aisle where there are 4 or 5 people. Preston has a crowd, so he runs with it. WAAAA WAAAAA BBBOOOOO HOOOOOOO... A lady looks at him and looks at me. She says, "it looks like somebody needs to be taken home for a nap. Did he miss his nap?" My immediate response was this... NO, he didn't miss his nap and NO he doesn't need to go home for a nap. He is learning who is the boss, and it isn't him. I am not going to let a 2 year old tell me when I can and can't go to a store!!!! All of that should have been in caps because I was mad... Can I get an AMEN? She stared at me, shook her head and walked off. If she thought for one minute that I was going to put 3 kids back in a car, take him home for a nap and come back to the grocery store, she has LOST HER MIND!!!!

I am sure many of you are nodding your head and thinking exactly what I did.... For those of you who agree with her, either you don't have any kids OR your kids are perfect and you can mind your own business too. Mine are probably smarter than yours. :) jk.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel. It cracks me up that complete strangers feel the need to give un-solicited advice. Have you ever tried a baby-carrier? And please know that I am not trying to question how you raise your kids, (LOL), but I have found that putting Celia on in a baby carrier, she can be more quiet. Certainly not all of the time, but it does work more often than not.
