Three little Monkeys

Three little Monkeys

Friday, September 16, 2011

How to be the Perfect Parent

You probably thought I was going to have some fancy link on here to someone with a PhD on how to raise your children.... My exact reason for writing this.

I have read numerous self help blogs, interenet articles, Parent Magazine articles etc.... on HOW TO's. I have decided that I know the real How To...

Here is the answer-
As Parent's, let's quit being hard on ourselves. Who says one way is better than another? Who says my zoo of a house is any less perfect for my child than your spotless one? Who is to say my unorganzied mess of a drawer is any worse than your organized one (espeically when my kids can find anything they need in there)? Who says my singing and dancing in the car isn't as good as your organized play and dance time?

I think if we ask our kids, "Do you think Mommy is a good Mommy?" I am willing to bet they think you are the best. I know when I look back on my parents, I see nothing wrong with the way we played, our house or anything else. They were perfect to me....

So my question and answer is, Why Stress Ourselves out over it? And the answer is- Just ask your kid... they will probably say you are the Perfect Parent!

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