My entire life, all I really wanted to be was a Mom. When I was small, I would carry around my babies and talk to them all day long. I would set up my barbies and play house, and would always make sure all of the Skippers and Courtney's and Scotts (skipper's friends) were happy with their Mom. I would be devastated when my Dad would come in and tell me it was time for bed! WHAT! that meant my "make believe I was a Mommy" was over for the night... It was ok though because I would always tuck the dolls in before I actually went to bed......
I can remember like it was yesterday, pretending to be my Mom. I would baby my brother, Charles, until he was babied out. I would feed him, change his diaper, change his clothes and even dress him like a girl when I wanted to have a daughter during my play time! :) (sorry Charles.) Being a Mom is pretty much all I ever wanted. I have found list and list of names I had written down which were the names I would be naming my children... If I had a girl, he middle name was ALWAYS Nicole. Sometimes her first name was Kirsten, sometimes it was Kelcey, and even sometimes it was Chelsey. ( but I ended up with a Sydney Ruth) I guess back then I didn't think I would have a boy because those names were rare to write down, but either way I had it all planed out.
So, what about being a Mom is so attractive to little girls??? Let me tell you. This little dream becomes a reality and everything your ever dreamed of becomes so much better in real life.... For me, What does it mean to be a mom? I will tell you as I type with one arm propped up on my oldest child as he lays beside me in my bed sound asleep. It is what a Mom does when her child has been sick and all he wants is to be comforted by his Mom....
It means, having the most precious souls in this entire world need you and want you. It means to have them call your name over a hundred times in a hour and each time you answer them as if it were the first time they called. It means sleeping through a Tornado, but bouncing up in the bed because you no longer hear their breath in the monitor. It means loving and caring and holding and giving and nurturing and pampering and spoiling and praising and disciplining these precious ones into responsible, loving and caring humans. It means being responsible for a life that only God could give you. It means waking up every morning and lifting my hands up high to say "Thank you Lord for trusting me with your children." It means laying my head down at night and looking up with a tear in my eye and saying "Thank you Lord for trusting me with your children." It means waking up in the middle of the night and walking in their rooms just to touch them and feel their little hearts beat. It means cooking dinner and waiting for them to eat to make sure they didn't want yours, it means leaving for a trip alone and never really wanting to be alone, just wanting to know you still can be. It means dropping off your baby for his first day of kindergarten and crying all the way home. It means hearing your child is sick at school and your heart breaks for him before you even see him. It means taking your daughter to her dance class and catching yourself grinning from ear to ear even when her rhythm isn't exactly right. It means playing babies with your daughter just because you know she probably wants to be a mom as bad as you did. It means coloring with her even when you have a million other things you need to do. It mean pushing back bedtime so you can giggle over hearing your baby say his name for the first time over and over and over again. It means saying NO when you really want to pick them up and kiss their neck and say yes It means talking baby talk just like he does, just to get a response from him...... It means all of this and so much more.
Lord, I am humbled by your Grace. I am humbled knowing you gave me these three babies to raise and trust that I will raise them to love you and honor you and teach them to share your word. Lord, I get chills down my back when I think that you chose me.... YES ME to mother these perfect, beautiful, joyous children. What did I ever do to deserve it? That's right.... I don't deserve it..... I have been given Mercy and Grace and you love me so much more than I could ever love, that you trust me with them. Thank You. Thank You.
It is said that Gods Love is described as a Mother's Love for her child.
God said in Isaiah 66:13,"As a mother comforts her son, so will I comfort you.”
Thank You Lord... Thank You....
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before.
The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely
new. ~Rajneesh
mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people,
promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva
If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not
already been. ~Robert Brault,
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